BizTalk Error : Could not enlist send port 'portname': the property specified on the filter expression does not exist
BizTalk Error :
Error message when you enlist
a send port that has a port filter against a user-defined property in BizTalk
Server: "Could not enlist send port 'portname': the property specified
on the filter expression does not exist"
Cause :
When trying to start the
SendPort configured with filter property, I was getting above error.
After analyzing I found that
the cause for this error was namespace conflict. I have deployed the some
schema in BizTalk system which has same target namespace as this schema.
I deployed Schema A for
Project A and trying to use property of Schema A in filter expression.
But this target namespace were
already present under Project B
This problem occurs when the property that is used in the
port filter has a namespace conflict with the target namespace of another
schema assembly.
Solution : Remove the Target Namespace conflict between schema. Then it will
work without any error.
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